Student Papers
As part of our brown and black belt testing, students are asked to write a short essay. Shown below are some of these papers that have been accepted for grading.
Apoorv G 3rd Kyu Paper- Why I study Karate
Ben H 2nd Kyu Paper- My Favorite Kata
Peter E Shodan Paper- What does Black Belt mean?
Tom O 2nd Kyu Paper- Why do I study Karate?
Ken F 3rd Kyu paper- Why do I study Karate?
Ken F 2nd Kyu paper- My favorite Kata
Apoorva G 1st kyu paper- I learned kumite by....
Kelly W 3rd kyu paper- Why do I study Karate?
Kelly W 2nd kyu paper- Motivation
Tom O 1st Kyu paper- What does Sensei Mean
Kyler O 3rd Kyu paper- My Favorite Kata
Apoorva G Shodan Paper- The Big Picture
Ben H Shodan Paper- What does Black belt mean?
Tom O Shodan Paper- Stances
Erin G 2nd Kyu paper- Why do I study Karate?
Kelly W 1st kyu paper- Effective technique
Riya G 3rd kyu paper- My Favorite kata.
Kelly W Shodan Paper- Why Train Kihon, kata and kumite
Riya G 2nd Kyu Paper- My Favorite part of Karate
Ken F 1st Kyu Paper- How organized management can apply to karate.
Marc Tarling Shodan Paper- Importance of stances
Ken F 1st Kyu (2nd test) Paper- What I learned since my last test.
Chris T 3rd Kyu Paper- Karate in my daily life
David P 3rd Kyu Paper- Karate in my life.
Jackie B 3rd Kyu Paper- Why I study Karate.
Riya G 1st Kyu Paper- Dojo Kun
Marc R Nidan Paper- Balance in the study of Karate
Jose C 3rd Kyu Paper- My favorite kata
Apoorva G Nidan Paper- The Science of Effective Techniques
Michael S 1st Kyu Paper- How often should I train?
Ken F. Shodan Paper- What does black belt mean?
Bradley G 3rd Kyu paper- The best part of karate.
Donna F 3rd Kyu paper- How does karate enhance my life?
Kyler O 2nd Kyu paper- Why do I study karate?
Steve F 3rd Kyu paper- Why I study Karate?
Miho H 1st Kyu paper- Dojo Kun
Kyler O 1st Kyu paper- What are my biggest struggles?
Jose C 2nd Kyu paper- What are my biggest struggles?
Aziz A Shodan Paper- Why train Kihon-kumite-kata?
C Motriuk 3rd Kyu paper- My favorite Kata
C Theodoroff 2nd Kyu paper- Origins of Shotokan Karate
D Pasko 2nd Kyu Paper- The best part of karate
J Brown 2nd Kyu Paper- My Favorite Kata
J O'Grady 1st Kyu Paper- How to make an effective technique
L Lowery 3rd Kyu paper- What karate has taught me
R. Gupta- Shodan Paper- What does black belt mean
S. Ferguson 2nd Kyu Paper- What motivates me to train
S. Ferguson 3rd Kyu Paper- Why I train karate
M. Schneider Shodan Paper- Why train both Advanced and beginner methods?
Mima Higashi-3rd Kyu- Why do I study karate
C Theodoroff-1st Kyu- Effective Shotokan Technique
D Frye-2ndKyu- What Does Kata Mean
D Pasko-1st Kyu-How do you make an effective technique
Miho Higashi-Shodan-What does black belt mean
T O'grady-Ni_Dan-Karate from the dojo to the street
S Ferguson-1st kyu-My Favorite Kata
J O'grady-Shodan-Role of distance in karate
K O'grady-Shodan-Keys to a good stance
S Raffi-Shodan-What does black belt mean
M Ratzel paper_sandan-Delivering an effective Technique
Bradley G- 2nd Kyu My favorite Kata
Mima H- 2nd Kyu My favorite Kata
Steve F- Shodan Role of Balance in Karate
Chris T- Shodan The way of empty hand
Aziz A- Nidan Etiquette and Focus
Mima H- 1st Kyu Biggest Challenge
Aryan S- 3rd Kyu Why I study Karate
Salem H- 3rd Kyu My biggest challenge in Karate
Asher L- 3rd kyu My karate life
Marcus P- 3rd Kyu Why I study Karate
Aryan S- 2nd Kyu How Does Karate Enhance Other Parts of Your Life
Marcus P- 2nd Kyu Why I study Karate
Salem H- 2nd Kyu My favorite kata
Asher L- 2nd Kyu My favorite Kata